I am sooo excited to bring this recipe how-to to you ladies. This dry shampoo has been a huge game change in my life and tbh idk how I forgot about it for so long. I have used one dry shampoo 10 years ago and I hated it. I hated the feeling, the look, all of it. So I started making my own after that. For the 30 days of slow beauty that ended today, I wanted to share this back with you guys here.
I already only wash my hair twice a week but I am so excited that this is going to help me go down to at least once a week now.
I also noticed that my scalp has cleared up due to all of my dietary changes to heal my gut and I’m so incredibly happy I could cry! That has been a huge struggle and insecurity for me my entire life and it’s finally gone!!!

For the dry shampoo, you only need 1-2 ingredients depending on your hair color.
It’s super low cost and affordable, easy to make, and you can store the rest for future use in a glass jar.
Since I have brown hair, I mixed together about 2tbsp cocoa powder with 1 Tbsp tapioca starch.
You can add more or less cocoa depending on your hair color if you need it darker or not. Even using a dark or black cocoa will work with extra dark hair.

Mix these together in a glass dish very well and you will use a makeup brush to apply to your hair. Dip it, tap off the excess, and dust it on your roots.
Then just gently rub it! So easy and the volume is AMAZINGGG!!
You can use tapioca starch, corn starch, or arrowroot powder interchangeably. You can use a baby powder too.
For blonde/light hair I would leave the cocoa out entirely. Dirty blonde, add a little and see how it blends if you need more or less.
For red hair, I recommend beetroot powder!

All natural, no chemicals, nothing that will be horrible for your hair or body, and you save monies in less washes, less product used, cheaper everyday kitchen ingredients.
Let me know in the comments if this was helpful for you!