Hi guys! Happy Thanksgiving to you all. I hope everyone is enjoying their days even though 2020 Thanksgiving might be a little different than others in the past.

This year Tom and I are staying home and having our own little dinner. It’s our first Thanksgiving in this place so that’s super exciting. Fingers crossed the turkey makes it out okay… third times a charm right? The first time was a complete disaster, second was alright.. so maybe we will actually get it right this year haha.

I made a pumpkin pie this morning. I just used the Libby’s traditional pie recipe but used about 85-90% of evaporated milk so it’s a little thicker and changed up the spices. I’ll definitely include that in another post. I’m that person that fills my plate with whipped cream… Anyone else? lol
When the turkey is almost finished, I will start some mashed potatoes since those take a bit to cook. I’ll definitely post a recipe blog with all recipes included of what we had today. I’m sure they will come in handy for upcoming holidays.
Other than that, Tom and I are just relaxing today. It’s nice to have a day and not do much of anything. But I started Blog-vember and I couldn’t leave the blog empty today or not tell you all happy Thanksgiving.

Today I am grateful for so much. Life is literally the complete opposite of last year. Tommy and I have our own place, we are looking into new cars, I’m coaching and blogging! So much more. I’m thankful for the journey I’m on. I’m also extremely thankful for the new friendships this year and my current friendships becoming what they are.
I will do a recap this weekend for you all but I’m gonna go check on the turkey and spend time with Tom!
Happy Turkey Day!!
What’s one thing you are thankful for today?
[…] this year. Tom and I had a low-key kind of day and we just stayed home. You can read all about that here! We cleaned up after dinner, watched a couple movies and passed […]